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We strive to reform dogs health and make a positive impact on their long term well-being

Real Feedback
Ed B.
“amazing change”
…Within two weeks Leo was out back running with his brothers like he was two years younger! It was a site to see! We thought, with this amazing change in Leo we would start giving it to his younger brothers (Saint Bernard/Lab mix and a border collie/Australian Shepard mix) We noticed a change with them right away!…
Taylor Stewart
“amazing products”
Dogs reformed full body supplement is the best supplement on the market! We were previously buying multiple supplements for our dog which was pricey and time consuming to measure out when we fed her. This full body supplement contains all the ingredients we were buying before plus more!
“full of life”
Sage is walking again, she’s running again, she jumps up in her favourite spot again, she bounds up the stairs full of life and energy. I am absolutely amazed at how this supplement turned my childhood dog from old and ailing, back into the young dog I remembered in my life.
Snickers and Muffin
“We really love this product”
I have been using Dogs Reformed Healthy and Well now since my dog was 6 months old he is now 2. My dog is an Australian Shepard Border Collie Mix. We have seen great results with this product his coat is super shiny with very little shedding it has worked well with digestion especially with my dog being on raw food I love knowing he is getting everything that he needs….
Nick P.
“best dog supplement”
The Dogs Reformed full body supplement is by far the best dog supplement available anywhere in the world! After 7 years, my dog Apollo began to slow down and his walking became off, after reading how common joint and hip problems are with German Shepherds, I suspected this was his problem. […] Within days, you could tell he had a renewed attitude towards his walks! He began to walk and play like he was two years old again!
Prasanth K.
“vast improvement”
We started our puppy Jasper (Labrador retriever) on the Dogs Reformed Healthy and Well supplement a few weeks ago. We already notice a vast improvement in his gut health (better poo) and his coat has just gotten shinier , sheds less and so much softer!
José Ramón V.
“amazing products”
All in all, products like this are very rare to find around because the product by itself required lot of time, research, and love from its creator. Well done Dogs Reformed! Tenshi and I will forever appreciate your efforts and delivering amazing products!
Read Our Reviews
Video Testimonials
Sage 15 year old Siberian Husky can Walk Again
11 Year Old Chocolate Lab can’t Climb Up the Stairs Healed!